Shaking Up Your PR Program

lightbulbWe’ve all been there – your PR program starts to feel like Groundhog Day with the same press releases, pitch angles and bylines year after year.

And while publications may still be receptive to your news and ideas, you are likely stuck in a PR rut. Here are a few tips to shake things up and reinvigorate your efforts to maximize results:

1) Hold A Brainstorming Session – Pull in your marketing and sales teams for a brainstorming meeting to get those creative juices flowing. Discuss new tactics – Are there new trends that haven’t been exercised? Sometimes good ideas come from unlikely sources.

2) Interview Unconventional SMEs – Similarly, set-up calls with senior leaders who aren’t traditionally tapped for their expertise to gain an alternative perspective on trends or customer issues the organization is solving.

3) Conduct a Competitive Review – How do your PR efforts stack up against your main competitors? Take a few hours once a quarter to investigate their marketing and PR tactics and coordinating results.

4) Reconnect with Reporters – Even when you have no news or trends to share, drop a friendly line or pick up the phone and remind a reporter that you are glad to serve as a trusted resource.


*Note: This post also appeared in the May 2016 issue of The Spark newsletter.

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