All We Want Is The Wall Street Journal

I’m sure every PR professional has shuddered a little at the phrase from a client, “We’re really just interested in getting into The Wall Street Journal (or other fill-in-the blank high profile publication).” And while with the right strategy, news angle and good agency, that’s quite achievable, many companies are missing the point (and definition) of an effective public relations program.

Everyone wants to see their name in lights but does that really help to drive sales and further distinguish your organization from competitors? We find that industry trade publications are the most well-read and concentrated channel to reach buyers, often yielding tremendous opportunity to establish a strong thought leadership program in the form of contributed articles. In the past 24 months, trade and regional/local business publications have forged strong cross-syndication partnerships with more mainstream business and technology media. For one of our clients, a significant Cincinnati Enquirer article landed prominently in USA Today‘s Tech section.

Additionally, mainstream business reporters often track industry trades when beginning research on a particular story and will tap company thought leaders highlighted in the space. So, while The Wall Street Journal is a favorite of the agency’s and certainly your CEO’s, remember the power of reaching a wide net of relevant publications including trade and regional targets.

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