Y&A Takes DC for Fall Planning Meeting

Y&A Team in DC

We’ve just returned from an invigorating Y&A planning meeting and retreat in Washington, DC. Collectively taking in the city’s grandeur while collaborating on creative ideas, the team reflected on the past year and set thoughtful goals for taking Young & Associates into a successful 2014.

Perhaps it’s because Y&A’s roots are in the DC area or because our close-knit team has been working together for at least a decade (or a little of both) but the topics flowed freely and our team offered up new client delivery strategies and ways to foster the agency’s continued momentum.

Taking the time to looking inward and plan isn’t always convenient for businesses—with day-to-day responsibilities and client priorities leaving little time for self-reflection—but it sure pays off to carve out a day or two throughout the course of the year. I know our team is better for it.

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