Ingredients for a Successful PR Product Launch

In the spirit of Thanksgiving, as I double check my menu, grocery list and turkey cook times, let’s talk about the ingredients for a successful PR product launch. Product launches are not a one-way ticket to media fame. The key to success is crafting and promoting a more comprehensive story about the marketplace trends and challenges that make the new product relevant.

So, if you are considering the impact a product launch will have on your media strategy and overall business visibility and sales cycle, there are a few key points to keep in mind:

Get the Bird in the Oven Early
Many companies wait until they have the biggest announcement possible to begin a PR campaign; however, it is valuable to develop media relationships prior to the launch so you can quickly get beyond the introductions and focus on the meat of the news. Pre-brief analysts to ensure you have 3rd party validation on the solution and the issues that make it viable. Also, beta test the product with key clients who would be willing to discuss their experiences with media and/or analysts.

All About the Sides
Build a pipeline of news stories around the launch timing so there are plenty of potential topics to address with key reporters, bloggers and influencers. Also, rather than narrowly focusing on the product features, plug the business benefits, key trends and industry challenges that make the product relevant.

The Big Event
Consider timing the launch around a high profile industry event – where you can sit down with reporters, bloggers and other influencers in person to help cultivate the relationship and story. Be ready to offer a multimedia demo and screenshots.
Just as turkey alone doesn’t make for a Thanksgiving feast, there is more to a product media launch than just the new bells and whistles.

From all of us at Young & Associates, Happy Thanksgiving!

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